Testimonial & Case Studies
Don’t just take our word on it. We’ve been serving our farmers for over 20 years and they are happy to let you know how they feel.
The Mammino Family
Here’s our interview with John Mammino reagrding his 9000+ ha across 2 farms in the Ingham region and his use of Liquaforce products.
John Mammino – Ingham Farmer
Allen O'Kane
Allen O’Kane is one of our longest supporting growers in the Tully district with 10 years of using Liquaforce products on his cane crop.
Allen also does contract planting across the Tully region.
We asked Allen for his opinion on this cane crop and his thoughts on Liquaforce products compared to granule.
The top attractions for him, in his words were:
- “Greatly improved production and we are acheiving 1 to 2 extra ratoons per planting due to improvement in soil health, all of which is leading to massive savings on planting costs since I have been on the Liquaforce full program.
- “No concerns of wet weather, either planting or fertilising.
- No need to find a storage room in the shed for bags.
- No safety issues with 1 tonne bags as all filling is done from the ground without having to climb ladders.
- A big savings in time, both on his own farm and as a contractor.
- Fully rate controlled giving easy and accurate record keeping (planting and fertilising).
- All round ease of use. “Probably can’t print this but it’s simply too f*****g easy”.
Allen O’Kane – Tully Farmer & Contractor

The DiMaruo Family
The DiMauro family who farm across the Tully Sugar mill area have consistently won productivity awards for the district. I asked them to provide some insight to their choices for using LiquaForce for their fertiliser needs.
“We certainly see the fit with LiquaForce to compliment our other farming practices after using the products for the last 7 years. It is a little bit dearer than granular options, but our yield, sugar and net returns certainly justify the higher value proposition with LiquaForce.”
“Another major factor for us is the application efficiency gains, we used to cover about 8 hectares a day with our granular fertiliser box but are now easily knocking over 20 to 30 hectares a day with the LiquaForce products and that saves a lot of time, effort, and cost.”
“LiquaForce also back up their products with service and we are looking forward to further efficiency gains from the enhanced efficiency products and the data management system being developed by LiquaForce for our future needs with data collection and compliance reporting under the new reef regulations.”
Sam DiMauro – Tully Farmer
The Maifredi's
We have been using LiquaForce products for eight years and now cover all our farm nutrient planning and fertiliser usage based on the Plant Starter and BigShot products. Two year ago we also started using the Valu range for split applications of nitrogen.
We topped our harvest district for CCS in 2018 and were in the Top 5 for 2019. We were also in the Top 5 for tonnes of sugar per hectare in 2018 and 2019 and Top 4 for net dollars returned per hectare for both seasons. Needless to say, we are very happy with our fertiliser practices which complement our efforts towards sustainable coastal farming.

PlantStarter gets the plant out of the ground faster under some of the toughest conditions and also gives a robust, healthy root structure and vigorous growth for the first 12 weeks, enabling the plant to quickly and efficiently absorb nutrients at side-dress.
The BigShot blends allow us to fertilise up to 60ha per day, ensuring our crop is fertilised quickly and accurately allowing for maximum growth. Some of the side benefits that we find are our shed is not cluttered with one tonne bags, there is no double handling, no need for bag lifters and extra machinery and wet weather is not a problem.
The Maifredis – Tully Farners & Contractors

We also do a considerable area planting and fertilising as contractors around the Tully district. Again, using the LiquaForce products allows us to cover more ground per day than using standard granular products, up to 2ha/day planting and up to 40ha/day fertilising. This ensures that we get to our clients in a timely manner, especially in wet conditions.
The LiquaForce products are a little more expensive per hectare but when the application time and handling costs are calculated, they become considerably less costly than the granular alternative.Add in the extra production, and we believe we are getting a very good return on our investment. We have no hesitation in recommending LiquaForce to other growers as a cost effective alternative and do so regularly.